Parse XML doc from url with ruby -
i not familiar xml , learning ruby go. problem having xml file using formatted different examples out there. attempting nokogiri seems popular of doing this. my xml file url , looks this <guides of="xml" rtn="5" tot="10" cv="1" a="xpu_nextstep" id="0" " w="" q="" g="echo" gr="homerec" gt="doc" js_q="" token="0:1qeu|5ig|557|1y7p|4re|"> <r t="orbelle toddler bed - cappuccino" g="echo" s="1" rk="1" pt="0" at="0" pr="0" ar="0"> <a n="onsale" v="yes"/> <a n="sku" v="oti041"/> <display> <thumb n="imagename" v="http://images/mgen/master:oti041.jpg?is=400,400"/> <labels> <l n="saleprice" v="sale price: 69.98"/> ...