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Parse XML doc from url with ruby -

i not familiar xml , learning ruby go. problem having xml file using formatted different examples out there. attempting nokogiri seems popular of doing this. my xml file url , looks this <guides of="xml" rtn="5" tot="10" cv="1" a="xpu_nextstep" id="0" " w="" q="" g="echo" gr="homerec" gt="doc" js_q="" token="0:1qeu|5ig|557|1y7p|4re|"> <r t="orbelle toddler bed - cappuccino" g="echo" s="1" rk="1" pt="0" at="0" pr="0" ar="0"> <a n="onsale" v="yes"/> <a n="sku" v="oti041"/> <display> <thumb n="imagename" v="http://images/mgen/master:oti041.jpg?is=400,400"/> <labels> <l n="saleprice" v="sale price: 69.98"/> ...

javascript - Distributed json loading in force collapsable layout -

i quite new d3 , appreciate help. trying modify force collapsible layout the data loads in single json file but if have data dont want load in go. want call children when user clicks on particular node. so want modularize json when node clicked, json file containing array of children loads dynamically. i need data huge, 500k leaf node. how dynamic loading? to maybe started, click function in code key solve this. right looks this: function click(d) { if (d.children) { d._children = d.children; d.children = null; } else { d.children = d._children; d._children = null; } update(); } this hides/shows nodes in structure moving them between 2 different arrays: children when visible; _children when not. what might want ...

UnexpectedValueException in session_start() php failing SPLObjectStorage serialization -

why unexpectedvalueexception thrown in session_start() ? i have object has property of splobjectstorage . object assigned session like $_session['foo'] = $barobject; i suspect internal session serializing facing problem decode it. store session in database , looks serializing objectstorage can not decode it. sample session data self|o:4:"user":8:{s:5:"�*�id";n;s:7:"�*�nick";n;s:13:"�*�reputation";i:1;s:11:"�*�password";n;s:8:"�*�email";n;s:7:"�*�crud";o:10:"crudobject":2:{s:13:"�*�fieldcache";a:0:{}s:13:"�*�dependency";r:1;}s:7:"�*�auth";n;s:11:"�*�rolelist";c:11:"rolestorage":23:{x:i:1;n;,r:13;;m:a:0:{}}} rolestorage extends of splobjectstorage session_decode() on above string returns false ideas? removing rolelist attribute makes serialize properly. if separately do $sr = serialize($roles); // $roles rolestorage object ...

c# - Can I virtualize my own UserControl? -

i have own usercontrol hundreds of displayed in grid. have profiled code , found time being taken myusercontrol.initializecomponent(), i.e. creating each 1 of myusercontrol's. ui virtualization perfect solution, i.e. not creating control until visible, because of controls off screen. these controls not live in itemscontrol there anyway in wpf?

php - get table cell data from and place a copy in another table -

two-part question: have 2 tables: 1 table items , other table selected items copied when add button clicked. after, when items wanted selected, there 'finished' button post items selected db. i started javascript didn't far @ because jquery seems better suited i'm not familiar it function addto() { var div = document.getelementbyid('fixeddiv','inside'); div.innerhtml = div.innerhtml + 'item added'; } <div id='fixeddiv'> <table align="center" id="tradee"> <th rowspan="2"> other item</th> <?php while($rowi =$item->fetch_assoc()) {?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $rowi['item_name']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rowi['item_description'];?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <br> <table align="center" id="tradetable"...

windows 8.1 - x:Name doesn't work in XAML Flyout control -

i tried following in windows 8.1 c# app: <!-- xaml file --> <page.bottomappbar> <commandbar> <appbarbutton label="add news feed" icon="add"> <appbarbutton.flyout> <flyout> <stackpanel width="400"> <textblock textwrapping="wrap" text="enter text:" margin="0,0,0,10"/> <textbox x:name="inputtextbox"/> <button content="add" horizontalalignment="right" verticalalignment="stretch" click="addbutton_click"/> </stackpanel> </flyout> </appbarbutton.flyout> </appbarbutton> </commandbar> </page.bottomappbar> // c# file private void addbuton_click(object sender, windows.ui.xaml.routedeventargs e) { ...

officewriter - Password protected excel -

can create password protected excel workbook or sheet 'officewriter' api? requirement create pwd protected excel programatically (c#) out having install office in servers. have tried openxml when password protected file showing corrupted , not opening. let me know if possible 'officewriter'. note: work softartisans, makers of officewriter. yes, possible password protect excel workbook programmatically officewriter. if using our excelapplication api programmatically manipulate workbook, can protect workbooks , worksheets. workbook.protect(string) protect structure of workbook supplied password. example, users won't able add or remove worksheets without password. worksheet.protect(string) write-protects worksheet users cannot modify worksheet in excel without entering password. excelapplication xla = new excelapplication(); workbook wb ="myworkbook.xlsx"); wb.protect("workbookpassword"); wb.worksheets["she...