c++ - Fast way to generate code functions from header functions in Visual Studio? -
this question has answer here: creating .cpp files .h files visual studio 4 answers this may minor question, solution save me lot of time , prevent mistakes. i working on c++ project in visual studio. if define function in class in header file, say void initbutton(int buttonnum); i copy , paste signature cpp file. then, insert class name, , replace semi-colon curly braces, so: void button::initbutton() { } however, i'll forget class name, or accidentally type before return type. happens static variables need define in code. seems small, piles since i'm @ beginning phase of project. there quicker way auto-generate these in visual studio c++? or best practice i'm missing out on? edit: appears has been asked before: auto-create implementation in visual studio c++ 2010 edit 2: best solution me appears here: http://www.radwin.org/michael/2011/05...