i wondering difference between virtual these keyboard commands is: keyeventf_extendedkey , keyeventf_keyup is. everywhere have looked gives me description based off integers , not want know each of them does. you've tagged question vb.net, these have nothing @ vb.net. they're constants defined in windows header files, use win32 api functions. as far difference, can't tell looking @ values. individual values not particularly important, that's why named identifiers used. what's important used , documentation functions tells mean. the first one, keyeventf_extendedkey , used keybdinput structure (which used along e.g. sendinput function) pass information synthesized keyboard input. if flag used, means scan code should interpreted extended key. technically, means scan code preceded prefix byte value 224 (&he0 in hexadecimal notation). the second one, keyeventf_keyup , 1 of flags available use structure. means key being released (going up)...
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