php - MySQLi Fetch Array returning Null -
really don't know whats here it's not returning on page.. changing mysql new mysqli
<?php include_once "php_includes/db_conx.php"; $query = "select * testimonials order id asc limit 32"; $result = mysqli_query($query) or die (mysqli_error()); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){ $testtitle = $row['testtitle']; $testbody = $row['testbody']; $compowner = $row['compowner']; $ownertitle = $row['ownertitle']; $compname = $row['compname']; $compwebsite = $row['compwebsite']; $testslist .= '<div class="gekko_testimonial testimonial gekko_testimonial_speech"> <div class="gekko_main"><div class="gekko_headline">' . $testtitle . '</div> <p>' . $testbody . '</p> </div> <div class="speech_arrow"></div> <span class="gekko_who_client_name">' . $compowner . ' of ' . $compname . '</span> <span class="gekko_who_job_title">' . $ownertitle . '</span> <span class="gekko_who_website">view website... <a href="http://' . $compwebsite . '" target="_blank">' . $compwebsite . '</a></span> </div>'; } ?>
any appreciated! <?php echo $testslists; ?>
in html! many phillip dews
your problem insufficient error reporting
error_reporting(e_all); ini_set('display_errors',1);
just add these lines @ top of code , informed of exact problem code.
note on production server have turn displaying errors off , logging on
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