iphone - How to use iOS TWRequest for iOS 5 for getting Twitter User Details -

how use twrequest both ios 5 getting twitter user details,

twrequest working earlier , using in way

 nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"https://api.twitter.com/1/users/show.json"];  nsdictionary *params = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:twittername,@"screen_name",nil];                                  request = [[twrequest alloc] initwithurl:url                                                                       parameters:params                                                                    requestmethod:twrequestmethodget]; 

but recently, twitter closed api version 1 , implemented version 1.1, , presently above logic not working in ios 5, due api deprecation may be...

i using slrequest ios 6 working perfect, know how can twitter user details in ios 5

try :

   nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json"];    nsdictionary *params = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:twittername,@"screen_name",nil];    request = [[twrequest alloc] initwithurl:url parameters:params requestmethod:twrequestmethodget];                                                                       acaccountstore *accountstore = [[acaccountstore alloc] init];     acaccounttype *twitteraccounttype = [accountstore accounttypewithaccounttypeidentifier:acaccounttypeidentifiertwitter];     nsarray *twitteraccounts = [accountstore accountswithaccounttype:twitteraccounttype];      // runing on ios 6     if (nsclassfromstring(@"slcomposeviewcontroller") && [slcomposeviewcontroller isavailableforservicetype:slservicetypetwitter])     {         [accountstore requestaccesstoaccountswithtype:twitteraccounttype options:null completion:^(bool granted, nserror *error)          {              if (granted)              {                  slrequest *request = [slrequest requestforservicetype:slservicetypetwitter requestmethod:slrequestmethodget url:url                                      parameters:parameters];                   [request setaccount:[twitteraccounts lastobject]];                   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^                                                  {                       [nsurlconnection sendasynchronousrequest:request.preparedurlrequest queue:[[nsoperationqueue alloc] init] completionhandler:^(nsurlresponse *response1, nsdata *data, nserror *error)                                            {                                                   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^                                                                  {                                                           if (data)                                                               {                                                                   [self loaddata:data];                                                               }                                                       });                                                               }];                                       });              }          }];     }     else if (nsclassfromstring(@"twtweetcomposeviewcontroller") && [twtweetcomposeviewcontroller cansendtweet]) // runing on ios 5     {         [accountstore requestaccesstoaccountswithtype:twitteraccounttype withcompletionhandler:^(bool granted, nserror *error)          {              if (granted)              {                  twrequest *request = [[twrequest alloc] initwithurl:url parameters:parameters requestmethod:twrequestmethodget];                  [request setaccount:[twitteraccounts lastobject]];                   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^                                                  {                                           [nsurlconnection sendasynchronousrequest:request.signedurlrequest queue:[[nsoperationqueue alloc] init] completionhandler:^(nsurlresponse *response1, nsdata *data, nserror *error)                                            {                                                   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^                                                                  {                                                           if (data)                                                               {                                                                   [self loaddata:data];                              }                                                       });                      }];                  });              }          }];     } } 


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