R summary function in ddply (plyr) in a simple way -

how replicate plyr?

with(mtcars, tapply(mpg, cyl, summary))

with same elegance, i.e. without spelling out individual statistics?

library(plyr) dlply(mtcars, .(cyl), function(x) summary(x$mpg)) 

you data.frame, prefer on complex lists...

ddply(mtcars, .(cyl), function(x) summary(x$mpg))  #   cyl min. 1st qu. median  mean 3rd qu. max. # 1   4 21.4   22.80   26.0 26.66   30.40 33.9 # 2   6 17.8   18.65   19.7 19.74   21.00 21.4 # 3   8 10.4   14.40   15.2 15.10   16.25 19.2 


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