vbscript - Script that displays a message based on ping success/failure -

right have following script working:

set wshshell = createobject("wscript.shell")   wshshell.run ("%comspec% /c ipconfig  /release"), 0, true wshshell.run ("%comspec% /c ipconfig  /renew"), 0, true  pingflag = not cbool(wshshell.run("ping -n 1 www.google.com",0,true)) if pingflag = true     msgbox("ip release/renew successful") else     msgbox("ip release/renew not successful") end if 

i'm not familiar vbscript seemed best option displaying popup message. pieced script others found online know more how works:

my question don't understand how following line working:

pingflag = not cbool(wshshell.run("ping -n 1 www.google.com",0,true)) 

what doing determine boolean value of pingflag?


.run(...) returns exit code/ errorlevel of process executed. cbool() returns false 0 or true other numbers. applying not, 'good' case becomes true, 'bad' errorlevels false.

then can code if statement 'naturally':

if pingflag ' comparing boolean variables against boolean literals noise     msgbox "ip release/renew successful" ' no () when calling sub else     msgbox "ip release/renew not successful" end if 


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