jsf - How to access the form objects in bean -
iam calling dialog using ajax, problem have defined form in dialog , accepting data's when click save want details in bean.
my issue: 1 ) when click save button not hit bean. 2) iam not able access objects of form in bean.
thanks in advance :)
my jsf file
<h:form id="outcompform"> <table border="0" class="innerbox" width="60%"> <tr><th colspan="7" align="center" class="clstitle">outbound complaints</th></tr> <tr> <td>consignment no </td> <td>consignor branch</td> <td>consignor </td> <td>contact no </td> <td>remark</td> </tr> <tr> <td><h:inputtext id="acno" value="#{outbound.accno}" onfocus="this.select()" styleclass="formtext" /></td> <td> <h:selectonemenu value="#{outbound.cnor_branch}" id="fcobran" styleclass="formtext" > <f:selectitems value="#{outbound.cnor_branchli}" var="c" /> </h:selectonemenu> </td> <td> <p:selectonemenu value="#{outbound.cnor_name}" id="fcnnam" editable="true"> <f:selectitem itemlabel="select one" itemvalue="" /> <f:selectitems value="#{outbound.cnor_nameli}" /> </p:selectonemenu> </td> <td><h:inputtext id="fcocont" value="#{outbound.cnor_contact}" onfocus="this.select()" styleclass="formtext" /></td> <td><h:inputtext id="fremark" value="#{outbound.remark}" onfocus="this.select()" styleclass="formtext" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>consignee branch</td> <td>consignee name </td> <td>address</td> <td>contact no</td> <td >booking date </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <h:selectonemenu value="#{outbound.cnee_branch}" id="fcebran" styleclass="formtext" > <f:selectitems value="#{outbound.cnee_branchli}" var="c" /> </h:selectonemenu> </td> <td><h:inputtext id="fcename" value="#{outbound.cnee_name}" onfocus="this.select()" styleclass="formtext" /></td> <td><h:inputtext id="fceadr" value="#{outbound.cnee_addr}" onfocus="this.select()" styleclass="formtext" /></td> <td><h:inputtext id="fcecnt" value="#{outbound.cnee_contact}" onfocus="this.select()" styleclass="formtext" /></td> <td> <p:calendar value="#{outbound.booking_date}" id="fbdat" > </p:calendar> </td> <td> <h:commandbutton value="save" action="#{outbound.saveaction}" onclick="return validate()" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="7"> <h:message for="acno"/> </td> </tr> </table> <p:growl id="growl" showdetail="true"/> <p:datatable id="tbl" var="o" value="#{ outbound.tick_list}" paginator="true" rows="10" rowsperpagetemplate="5,10,15" rowkey="#{o.accno}" selection="#{outbound.outselected}" selectionmode="single" > <p:ajax event="rowselect" listener="#{outbound.onrowselect}" update=":outcompform:display :outcompform:growl" oncomplete="accdialog.show()" /> <p:column headertext="booking date" sortby="#{o.date_conv}"> <h:outputtext value=" #{o.date_conv.substring(0, 10)}" /> </p:column> <p:column headertext="consignment no" sortby="#{o.accno}"> <h:outputtext value=" #{o.accno}" /> </p:column> <p:column headertext="con branch" sortby="#{o.cnor_branch}"> <h:outputtext value=" #{o.cnor_branch}" /> </p:column > <p:column headertext="consignor" sortby="#{o.cnor_name}"> <h:outputtext value=" #{o.cnor_name}" /> </p:column> <p:column headertext="con contact" sortby="#{o.cnor_contact}"> <h:outputtext value=" #{o.cnor_contact}" /> </p:column> <p:column headertext="remarks" sortby="#{o.remark}"> <h:outputtext value=" #{o.remark}" /> </p:column> <p:column headertext="cnee branch" sortby="#{o.cnee_branch}"> <h:outputtext value=" #{o.cnee_branch}" /> </p:column> <p:column headertext="cnee name" sortby=" #{o.cnee_name}"> <h:outputtext value=" #{o.cnee_name}" /> </p:column> <p:column headertext="cnee addr" sortby="#{o.cnee_addr}"> <h:outputtext value=" #{o.cnee_addr}" /> </p:column> <p:column headertext="cnee contact" sortby="#{o.cnee_contact}"> <h:outputtext value=" #{o.cnee_contact}" /> </p:column> </p:datatable> <p:dialog id="dialog" header="complaint details" widgetvar="accdialog" resizable="false" appendtobody="true" showeffect="fade" hideeffect="slide"> <h:panelgrid id="display" columns="2" cellpadding="4"> <h:form id="formtrans"> <table border="0" class="popupbox" > <tr> <td>consignment no.</td> <td colspan="3"> <h:outputtext value="#{outbound.outselected.accno}" /> </td> </tr> <tr class="formlabel" > <td>detail</td> <td>suggestion</td> <td>privacy</td> <td>status</td> </tr> <tr> <td><h:inputtextarea id="fdetail" value="#{outbound_trans.details}" onfocus="this.select()" styleclass="formtext" /></td> <td><h:inputtextarea id="fsuggest" value="#{outbound_trans.suggest}" onfocus="this.select()" styleclass="formtext" /></td> <td> <h:selectonemenu value="#{outbound_trans.privacy}" id="fpriv" styleclass="formtext" > <f:selectitems value="#{outbound_trans.privacyli}" var="c" /> </h:selectonemenu> </td> <td> <h:selectonemenu value="#{outbound_trans.status}" id="fstatus" styleclass="formtext" > <f:selectitems value="#{outbound_trans.statusli}" var="c" /> </h:selectonemenu> </td> </tr> <tr> **<td> <h:commandbutton value="save" action="#{outbound_trans.savetrans}" onclick="return validate1()" /> </td> ** </tr> </table> </h:form> </h:panelgrid> </p:dialog> </h:form>
outbound bean
@managedbean(name = "outbound") @sessionscoped public class outbound implements serializable { private string database, finyear; private int usercode, cnt = 0, ticketno; private string accno, cnor_branch, cnor_name, cnor_contact, cnee_branch, cnee_name, cnee_addr, cnee_contact, message = "error"; private string cnor_addr, cnor_email, cnee_email, remark; private date booking_date; private int cnee_branchcode, cnor_code; private arraylist cnor_branchli = new arraylist(); private arraylist cnee_branchli = new arraylist(); private arraylist cnor_nameli = new arraylist(); datafetch fetch; dataconnect datapush; facesmessage donemessage = null; resultset rs; private arraylist<outboundb> tick_list; connection con; statement stat; preparedstatement pstat; dbconnection dbconn = new dbconnection(); utility datefetch = new utility(); private outboundb outselected; public outbound() { facescontext ctx = facescontext.getcurrentinstance(); httpsession session = (httpsession) ctx.getexternalcontext().getsession(false); this.database = (string) session.getattribute("database"); this.finyear = (string) session.getattribute("finyear"); this.usercode = (integer) session.getattribute("usercode"); if (this.database == null) { donemessage = new facesmessage("session expired"); } else { fetch = new datafetch(this.database); cnor_branchli = fetch.getarraystring("select subbranchcode subbranch order subbranchcode"); cnor_nameli = fetch.getarraystring("select firmname accountscustomer flag='acti' order firmname"); cnee_branchli = fetch.getarraystring("select distinct city destinationmaster order city"); addlist(); fetch.closeall(); } } public string saveticketout() { // program save database } public string saveaction() { //validation before saving return null; } public void onrowselect(selectevent event) { facesmessage msg = new facesmessage("acc selected", ((outboundb) event.getobject()).getaccno()); facescontext.getcurrentinstance().addmessage(null, msg); } public void onrowunselect(unselectevent event) { facesmessage msg = new facesmessage("acc unselected", ((outboundb) event.getobject()).getaccno()); system.out.println("entered unselect"); facescontext.getcurrentinstance().addmessage(null, msg); } public static class outboundb { private int cnor_branchcode, cnee_branchcode, cnor_code, usercode, ticketno; private string accno, cnor_branch, cnor_name, cnor_contact, cnee_branch, cnee_name, cnee_addr, cnee_contact,date_conv; private string cnor_addr, cnor_email, cnee_email, remark, type, escala; private date booking_date, ticket_date; utility datefetch1 = new utility(); public outboundb() { } public outboundb(string conbran, string connam, string cnocnt, string acno, string cneebran, string cneenam, string cneadd, string cneecnt, date bodate) { this.accno = acno; this.cnor_branch = conbran; this.cnor_name = connam; this.cnor_contact = cnocnt; this.cnee_name = cneenam; this.cnee_branch = cneebran; this.cnee_addr = cneadd; this.cnee_contact = cneecnt; this.date_conv = datefetch1.setcorrectdate(bodate); this.booking_date = bodate; } } }
// have deleted getter , setter outbound_trans bean
@managedbean(name = "outbound_trans") @sessionscoped public class outboundtrans { private string database, finyear, username; private int usercode; private string details, suggest, privacy, status,message; private arraylist statusli = new arraylist(); private arraylist privacyli = new arraylist(); // datafetch fetch; connection con; statement stat; preparedstatement pstat; dbconnection dbconn = new dbconnection(); utility datefetch = new utility(); // public void savetrans( ) { system.out.println(this.details); if(this.details==null){ system.out.println("save trans"); }else{ system.out.println(this.details); } // code validate , save } public class outboundtransb { private int ticketno, responsecount; private date resp_date; private string oebrach, debranch, details, suggest, tickettype, flag, privacy; } }
after reviewing code have noticed you have nested forms! extremly bad , can create unpredictable behaviour. fix , test again if problem persists.
additional information
if problem ability of retrieving form values suggest looking at:
string value = facescontext.getcurrentinstance().getexternalcontext() .getrequestparametermap().get("myinputfield");
inside method being called. should let value method inside form.
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